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Monday again?

So yes. This is the typical why is it Monday again kind of start to this post. Weekends go by so quickly, and then you have to prepare for the LONG week ahead. 5 long tireless days of work. I always remember being told, "do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life." While I believe that CAN be true, it's not always the case. I do love media but I still feel as though I work ALOT so the never a day in your life thing may not apply to me here. Now hear me out- being a media buyer wasn't something I woke up one morning and said, "that's what i'm going to do" however almost 6 years ago when I graduated college, I didn't even know what it was I wanted to do. Does anyone? We pick a major and hope its the right one- we hope that the first job we take is the right choice. So many things to think about as such a young age.... All of a sudden you graduate- I was almost 22 and then there it was. Go into the real world and figure it all out. Yeah... let's just say more times than not I wish I could back to 6 years ago when my biggest concern was what I was having for dinner not "how can i pay for that if it's due the same week as rent?"

Day in and day in out we are reminded about the daily struggles of being an "adult." Okay so rent is due on the 1st- cell phone, credit cards, car insurance, food, oh and my favorite one-- STUDENT LOANS. Those best 4 years of my life (which I wouldn't change for a second) now cost me roughly $700 a month. Yes.... $700. So unfortunately if I decided to take my dream job of event planning everyday (being my own boss of course!) and then paying my own health insurance, id surely not be able to afford even a daily life style.... Oh the struggle....

I would like to say I am slowly trying to figure it out. Trying to figure out the work life balance that most people STRIVE to have. Paying bills on time while still trying to live a lifestyle that's fun. So many factors go into this... and you have to figure it out- all of it, on your own. If you're as lucky as me to have someone that day in and day out CONSTANTLY reminds me that I am doing a great job as this "being an adult" thing than consider yourself very lucky.... not everyone is as lucky as us.

So yes- this post started off with dreading the fact that it was Monday and went more into the fact of it being Monday as an adult. In college, I looked forward to Mondays. Running my college radio station meetings- going to classes I absolutely LOVED. I LOVED learning every single day in college. Now I just try and make it through the week to Friday at 5pm when I can finally breathe for a second and remember the good things.....

Until next time.....

Tips for planning your perfect event


Develop a game plan and stick to it. Work with an event planner; its what we are here for.



Send the message effectively. Whether it be a sent invitiation, e-card or facebook event-

communication is key.



Always have a backup plan.

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