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November! How is it November?!

Monday November 2nd. I feel like I say it every year, but my GOD this year has gone by fast! To be honest, 2015 has defintely been the best year of my life thus far so I guess that has something to do with it flying by! So much has happened it's actually hard to comphrend. I moved out of an apartment with a co-worker and moved in my boyfriend. It was a huge step, however I haven't looked back since! It has been so wonderful living with someone you love.

This weekend was great! Saturday night was so perfect spending time with all of my nieces (minus one). I don't care much for Halloween since I have gotten older, but trick or treating with them makes it all worth it! We then went to celebrate my beautiful friend Taylor's one year of being cancer free. Amazing celebration with family & friends. She believed she could so she did! I worked my first catering party with Matt on Sunday! I was a little worried, but it went smooth and we topped off the weekend with a great dinner & drinks at one of our favorite restaurants, the Spread!!!

Starting back again on the healthy grind today! Myself and 2 friends are doing "no dairy" for 21 days. I have grown to LOVE almond milk so this shouldn't be an issue except that I have greek yogurt every morning for breakfast.... Stay tuned on how this goes! We did 21 days no fried food and 21 days no bread as our last two. I cheated twice during each of those 21 days BUT it's fun to be accountable with friends and have something to look forward too! I know I need to get back on the workout grind as well.

Have a GREAT week and Happy November!!

Tips for planning your perfect event


Develop a game plan and stick to it. Work with an event planner; its what we are here for.



Send the message effectively. Whether it be a sent invitiation, e-card or facebook event-

communication is key.



Always have a backup plan.

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